We design, invent, develop, and manufacture state-of-the-art innovative biotechnologies used to promote greater harmony, regeneration, and healing for the human body, nature, and the Earth.

In the human body

By understanding the implications of energy regulation in the human body

In the interior space, we live in

By the realization of how our energetic environment influences our HEALTH and our consciousness

In the environment surrounding us

Applying these principles to regenerate and enhance all ECO systems

In the world

To harmonize the planetary consciousness and bring heaven to earth

How we are of service to people and the planet 

We design, consult, manufacture bioenergetic devices, and bring them to distributors to roll out into the world in large numbers, we are interested in seeing this technology come into the world










The Golden Ratio pattern on the disc expresses the fundamental blueprint of primal geometries and ratios, harbouring with it the mathematical harmonics of how life and nature are organised. The Golden Ratio is also known as the Divine Proportion and relates to natural harmonics such as the structure of the human body and everything else in the natural world. These proportions have been used by all ancient civilizations in their culture, arts, music, and sacred architecture, making this ratio the cornerstone of energetic, visual and auditory harmony.

The design is an evolution, a geometrical reinterpretation of the antenna pattern of the legendary Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO) of French inventor Georges Lakhovsky. A device that was powered by a tesla coil to bring the cells of our body back to its natural oscillatory electrical potentials; back to a state of homeostasis.

Set in gold plated copper that serves as an inductor of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), this product is powered by ambient natural energies and is always active. The concentric rings, based on fractal geometry defined by the golden spiral, produce a wide spectrum of harmonic frequencies, restructuring and dampening negative EMF, emitting only natural coherent information that is beneficial to all organic life.

The BioArc Disc is an effective way to harmonise and neutralise harmful EMFs from your WiFi router and other electronic devices. Among many other uses, it can also be used to restructure the water molecules in liquids and beverages with its harmonic frequencies (Swipe left for the picture of frozen water molecules). Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on the product.


Spiral fractal antennas



ABOUT THE spiral fractal antennas

This fractal spiral antenna leverages the precise geometry of the golden ratio spiral to replicate the phyllotaxis pattern found throughout nature. However, in this biotechnology, we have optimized the geometry of phyllotaxis by employing two spirals based on the golden ratio using the numbers 5 and 10. These two spirals inherently embed the golden ratio at their core. Remarkably, this numerical and geometric relationship is also present in the DNA structure, serving as the foundational blueprint of all life. One can understand the DNA structure as a fractal scalar antenna.

According to Victor Schauberger's cosmology, all manifestations of living matter are the byproducts of an energetic process. If we were to visualize and characterize this living field effect, adopting the golden ratio and spiral geometry, as we have here, becomes imperative. This energetic process represents the formative epiphenomenon in the creation of life in the natural world.

These antennas are designed with the intention of generating this formative living field through pure geometry and perfected ratios and proportions. In the realm of antenna theory, this precision fractal antenna generates a holographic field with radiative characteristics that project both inwardly and outwardly the same fractal spiral geometry to infinity. Each fraction of the whole matches perfectly within the entire geometric proportional framework, creating a seamless and harmonious pattern.

This Anntena can be used to harmonize electromagnetic energy but also has a specific healing and resonant quality to life forms and can function as a healing tool for the human body …







Enhance your well-being and protect your bio field with the Chi-O Phi, a revolutionary technology designed to harmonize and balance your energy. Through the use of active scalar coils, the Chi-O Phi pulses 3000 times a day, emitting earth-tone signal harmonics in the form of sound, light, and electromagnetic waves. This advanced system combines the benefits of radionic technologies, frequency modulation, scalar energy, and subtle energy systems like stones and crystals, sacred geometry, and shape proportion.

Unlike our artificial environments that disrupt our biology, the Chi-O Phi restores harmony by aligning with the natural frequencies essential for our health. One such frequency is the Schumann Resonance, known as the pulse of the Earth. Without it, our bodies cannot function properly. The Chi-O Phi incorporates a frequency generator that replicates these natural frequencies, including the Schumann Resonance, creating a harmonious resonance for our bodies to tune into.

By wearing the Chi-O Phi, you can experience the beneficial effects of energy balancing and harmonization. Our man-made environments and exposure to unnatural frequencies can disturb the body's natural functions, leading to imbalances and health issues. The Chi-O Phi counteracts these disruptions and supports your well-being.

The Chi-O Phi utilizes a scalar antenna and a programmed hologram chip to generate an active scalar field, enhancing your energy even when you feel depleted. Unlike passive scalar devices that rely on your own bio-energy, the Chi-O Phi actively supports your energy field. By integrating scalar technology and specific hologram cards, programmed with Intrinsic Data Fields (IDF), the Chi-O Phi broadcasts supportive harmonic effects throughout your body and environment. This reduces the impact of digital signals and promotes the flow of Chi energy, allowing you to navigate your busy life with greater ease.


BIO ARC hologram

Logo customizable Subtle energy harmonization by  Program holograms with informational fields designed with sacred geometry and bioenergetic principles 


ABOUT THE Bio arc holograms


The Bio arc hologram is a carefully crafted energetic design that uses principles of sacred geometry and the energetic qualitative properties of numbers and specific ratios. Its purpose is to harmonize and correct subtle energies. While our Bio Arc disc excels at harmonizing strong electromagnetic energy, the hologram is tailored to work with subtler energies in our environment.

This hologram has undergone a precise programming process within a resonating spherical chamber design as an Orgon accumulator,  and also inside of a vacuum glass egg using high voltage and the SE5 1000 a radionic device. This process uses scalar carrier waves to transfer informational fields into the holograms, leaving behind what has been referred to as "electrostatic field residue." or torsion field, fixed as a “metastate” in the cristal-like structure of the hologram. Program holograms operate in a manner akin to homoeopathic medicine and have been integral to the development of Radionic technologies from the very beginning.

We proudly assert that our hologram programming system ranks among the most advanced and complex methodologies available. The exceptional reports and experiences shared by users further attest to the effectiveness of this technology in comparison to similar products. 



water restructure device based on vortex technology inspired by the legendary inventor victor schauberger


ABOUT the biovortexer


Structured water can be defined as a specific state in which the clusters of molecules comprising water exhibit a highly ordered state of coherence and organization. These clusters adapt various geometric structures, such as tetrahedra, dodecahedra, icosahedra, and related polyhedral complexes. Despite the dynamic arrangements, a coherent order prevails, resulting in a reduction in cluster size. This coherence is responsible for the physical decrease in surface tension, rendering water more hydrophilic and easily absorbable by the body. Additionally, restructured water has the ability to bind more oxygen, impart a negative charge (known as zeta potential), and enhance conductivity while decreasing viscosity and surface tension.

When consumed, this restructured water promotes increased blood fluidity and transfers energy into the body, thereby enhancing biological functions. These positive effects extend to plant life as well.

Our water restructuring device is built upon the lifelong work of the renowned inventor Victor Schauberger. Incorporating many of his principles and ideas, our device stands in contrast to similar units by capitalizing on the self-organizing vortex. This differs from its mechanical counterpart, as it truly manifests self-organization, resulting in a magical effect that pays homage to the formation of this unique entity.

The geometry and ratios of the materials in our unit embody nature's principles, giving rise to its effects. The acceleration of water flow achieved by detaching from the device's wall and attaining a frictionless flow state is a result of our unique combination of materials. This combination supercharges the water with a powerful vortex potential, transforming it into latent energy and coherence for any biological system that comes into contact with this water.